The emotions we have designed and built

Our words are not just empty promises; every park we create is a unique and special reality that harmoniously integrates with the environment. This is achieved through custom-designed solutions, great attention to detail, and the quality of materials, all while complying with the 15567-1:2020 and 15567-2:2020 regulations. We are the sole company in Italy to have achieved the SOA "OS32" Wooden Structures Certification.


In our creations, we have used approximately 6 kilometers of chain, 30 kilometers of cable, and 1 quintal of wood to create more than 1.000 passages.

The parks we have created

Ragazzo su carrucola al jungle raider park

Jungle Raider Park Civenna

The first largest adventure park in Lombardy in the splendid setting of Lake Como.

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Realizzazione percorso per tutta la famiglia al parco avventura jungle raider park albavilla

Jungle Raider Park Albavilla

Guaranteed fun on over 100 elements,  including an incredible Tarzan Jump.

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Realizzazione zipline parco avventura jungle raider park margno

Jungle Raider Park Margno

An adventure park at 1,500 meters above sea level, completely immersed in mountain forests.

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Ragazza su percorso zipline jrp xtreme

JRP Xtreme

A real extreme fun thanks to 7 breathtaking zip lines: up to 60 meters in height and one zip line that is 250 meters long.

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Team italiana parchi costruzione parco avventura frosinone

Frosinone Adventure Park

The only adventure park in Italy built above a solfatara.

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Realizzazione parco avventura a caspoggio

Caspoggio Adventure Park

Adventure park with an exclusive attraction: the tallest swing in Italy, offering a 25-meter flight experience!

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Realizzazione piattaforma percorso parco avventura corteno golgi brescia

Corteno Golgi Adventure Park

Adventure park built in a record time of only 2 weeks, located in a terrain adjacent to the ski slopes and with a very steep slope.

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Costruzione parco avventura campodolcino

Campodolcino Adventure Park

Adventure park built among alpine woods with some passages on rock.

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Realizzazione percorsi parco avventura palermo

Palermo Adventure Park

The only adventure park in Italy  built within a racecourse.

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Realizzazione percorsi parco avventura madessa

Madessa Adventure Park

Adventure park with tree village and ACCREDIA certification UNI EN 15567-1:2020

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Costruzione parco avventura artificiale avellino

Avellino Adevnture Park

Artificially designed and constructed adventure park, without the presence and support of natural plants and trees.

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Scala inizio percorso parco avventura madonna di campiglio

Madonna di Campiglio Adventure Park

Adventure park built with Italian larch wood, featuring a stunning 120-meter zipline over Lake Montagnoli.

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Costruzione teleferica trasporto merci Lago di Como

Teleferica trasporto merci

In una lussuosa villa sul Lago di Como abbiamo realizzato una teleferica trasporto merci

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Realizzazione rete parco giochi per il Comune di Seregno - Italiana Parchi

Playground net in Seregno

Public use net made for the Municipality of Seregno with 3 UNI EN certifications.

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Realizzazione parco avventura parco regionale spina verde como - Italiana Parchi

Spina Verde Adventure Park

Adventure park with a mega net cube and treehouses.

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Free fall salto nel vuoto

Free Fall a Palermo

Caduta nel vuoto - Free Fall a Palermo

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Parco avventura Colle San Magno

Parco avventura Colle San Magno

Parco avventura costruito grazie ai fondi del PNRR

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Realizzazione maxi altalena evento Sassuolo

Maxi Altalena

Presso lo Youth Festival di Sassuolo abbiamo realizzato una Maxi Altalena in 

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When adventure takes shape:
the case of Jungle Raider Park

How to redevelop a disused forest in the stunning setting of Lake Como? By creating a space where people could have an exceptional outdoor fun experience.

Famiglia al parco avventura jungle raider park